Monday, May 11, 2009

:) :) :) :)

We have 4 embryos growing. I am praying with all my heart and soul that they all grow big and strong! We will have our transfer on Wednesday, 5/13 @ 2:30pm Eastern. Ideally, I would like 4 perfect embryos, 2 to transfer and 2 to freeze, but I will accept whatever God has for us. He knows what is best.

I am imagining our embryos surrounded by angels God has sent to watch over them. If the folks in the lab could only see...


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Not my will but thine.

I had my egg retrieval this morning at 730. I had been petrified about it because anaesthesia makes me nervous. It went really smoothly and the iv needle barely hurt going in. Once I was on the operating table, I just closed my eyes and thing I knew I was waking up.

Now...I thought I was going to be getting somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 eggs. I got 8.

My husband and I put it in God's hands last night and we trust that this is exactly what we needed. I can't wait to hear the fertilzation results tomorrow! We'll be doing a 3-day transfer on Wednesday.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Well now! What am I gonna do with all these?

I had my 2nd monitoring appointment this morning. I have taken 7 days of Gonal-f and apparently, it's working. I have a dozen on the right and a baker's dozen on the left all measuring The tech put the ultrasound wand in and said, "You are doing IVF, right?" I said yes and she said that was very good. She started on the left and told me it might take a while because she thought there were about 6 and she needed to measure all of them. Mind you, the left side was the one I was told was smaller on Monday.



I say, "Are you still on the same side?" She laughed and said she was. A little while longer and she said, "Well, you're going to have more than 6 because I already measured 12 on that side." I told her that I have been starting to feel funny when I sit down and she raised her eyebrows and said, "Mmm, I'll bet.", while looking at the screen.

Then she said, "Okay, let's take a look at the right....oh wow, this will take a while too." I lay there, she's scanning and clicking and printing... Finally, she turns the screen to show me and I said, "Wow, there is no ovary left, it's all follicles!" She said everything looked really good. Once everything was done I asked her how many total and she told me 12 on the left, 13 on the right all around 16-17mm. My uterine lining has gone from 8mm on Monday to 11.5mm today.

I'm so excited! I think I'm responding a bit fast to the stimulating...since today will only be stim day 8...but everyone is different. Waiting to hear about the bloodwork results this afternoon. That should be interesting.

Monday, May 4, 2009

I am an egg making machine.

So I had my first monitoring appointment today since starting the stims. I will find out the results of the bloodwork later today, but the ultrasound went great. I've only been on stims 4 days, I have only one follicle measuring over 12mm but I have a bunch (20+) measuring 10-11mm today and other smaller ones after that. I did ask about OHSS, but she said that is not a concern right now, everything looks great! I am not sure if I go back tomorrow or if they'll wait 'til Wednesday to see me again, but I'm excited to go back and see how much they've grown!

My uterine lining is three layers thick and measuring 8mm right now, which she said was also great! From what I hear, 8mm is minimum thickness they like before transfer, so it should be plenty thick by that time if it's already at 8mm. Nice cushy uterus for my babies to burrow into, lol!

I am feeling fabulous this morning, after feeling like crapola all weekend. I have been so tired and dizzy in the mornings and despite only sleeping 6-ish hours last night, I feel okay today. I even feel TOUGH about finishing my root canal this afternoon :) If I have to deal with those few jolts of pain when he goes deep, so be it. I will, however, be asking for novocaine beforehand. We'll see how it goes!