Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Boy, this Lupron is making me frickin' crazy! I have to assume that's what it is, because I am never this mood-swingy normally. I have been having anxiety attacks, followed moments later by feelings of elation. I don't get it...the Lupron is the only thing that makes sense.

I am due to start my Gonal-f stimulating medication tomorrow (after my root canal ::groan::) and I can't wait! I'm hoping that maybe it will balance me out a little? If not, at least it means I'm one step closer to no more shots and a step closer to being pregnant!

My husband and I were talking about what we're going to do when we have far as jobs, bills, daycare (or not), where we'll live, etc. I've always known it was going to be a huge life change and a huge responsibility and we're totally ready. We'll both be 30 at the end of the year, so there's no more waiting! We'll make it work :) I know God's going to take care of us and lead the way...He's not let us down yet!

1 comment:

  1. My husband and I were just having the same conversation about daycare. I know it will all work out in the end. and yes it is the lupron making you crazy. But since I have started the Follistim..I have gotten so tired. Its crazy. I am not sure if the Gonal will make you tired.
